Tuesday, April 30, 2013


What ever happened to long relaxing weekends with rest and no alarm clocks?  Those days are long gone.  Most of the weekends are packed full of activities and events.... games and projects...This Past Saturday was no different.  But I think these were some pretty good events.

Matthew at Match Competition April 2013

Matthew did great.  But more importantly, he really enjoyed the competition. The last thing we want is for him to burn out and not enjoy these events.  After that we celebrated with a little Taco Bell!!  ...oh yeah. Nothing says "I Destroy Math" .... like burritos.  We got a little rest, and then we were off to the Soccer game.

Where were the girls during all of this?  The girls had a girl scout Science field trip instead.  They also had a blast.  They got to see a ton of cool stuff.  From race cars to experiments.... arts and crafts with robotics.  Pretty cool stuff, ... I wish I could have also gone.

Girl Scout Science Event

The weekends don't seem to be getting any lighter... and the kids aren't getting any younger.  Onward!


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